Sunday, 29 March 2015

Tegan , Makayla , Stella-rose , Tayla , Jayda.

If I was Tayla
 I would set the school on fire with a match
 and Jayda hates dictations
 Until I became a world wide famous actress
 because Makaylas cat Lui is addicted to FOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

If I worked at McDonald's I would steal all the burgers and chicken nuggets.
I Would turn in to lego
And I turned my sister into crash bandicoot
Until I turned in to a turtel 
If i was the easter bunny,
I would eat all the chocolate,
And see my friends,
Until the easter bunny got me carrots by mistake,
Because I am crazy.
"If I ate Ronaldo."
"I would smell socks all week and say about a week ago I smell a sock."
"And somebody said oh snap with a capital S."
"Until I eat a pie and a cake cheese is swag."
"Because i like mango and banana."